Giralang P&C Committee Contact Details 2023
- President: Kristine Evans
- M: 0412 341 216
- Email:
- Vice President: Hanh Bui
- Secretary: Julie Brandon
- Treasurer: Dale Brandon
- Email:
- Council Delegate: Julie Brandon
- General P&C email:
The P&C Association offers a great opportunity for all parents and carers to be involved in the school. Our P&C raises a significant amount of funds to support learning at the school and the school's facilities, including playgrounds, uniform shop, various school resources, year 6 graduation, the ongoing growth and development of the Giralang Garden Collective and new projects.
Our P&C is an active and dynamic group that welcomes new members and involvement. We want to have input into our children's education, and volunteering with the P&C is the best way to do that.
What we do
- Ensure a good community vibe for our school
- Run the uniform shop
- Run the Giralang Garden Collective in collaboration with the school sustainability team
- Apply for grants to assist with various school projects
- Do what we can to make money for our kids whilst having fun
- Give what time we can without being expected to help with every event
- Encourage and develop parent participation and involvement in the school
- Be the forum for parent discussion pertaining to the school community & to gather opinions
- Help our school become environmentally sustainable
- Ensure new families are welcomed
Do I need to join the P&C?
No, if you have a child/ren enrolled at the school you are automatically a member of the P&C! All members of the school community are welcome at meetings and events.
Being a member of the P&C does not mean that you need to attend meetings or help in all fundraising activities. What it can do is offer you the chance to gain some insight into how the school works, understand the school's needs and priorities and also to have an influence on what happens at your school.
How can I become involved with the P&C?
The great thing about the P&C is that you can put in as much time and effort as you choose. This may vary over the year or from year to year as your personal circumstances change. If you would like to be more involved with the P&C you could consider:
- Becoming an office holder with the P&C: The AGM and election of office bearers, is held each year in February. It would be fantastic to see some new faces amongst the P&C so, if you feel like you might be interested but are just not certain what might be involved; come along to the February meeting and get the heads up on how it all works. Any member of the P&C may nominate themselves for an office and an election will be held as a show of hands. The P&C Executive Committee is formed by the 4 official positions elected each year – President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Other positions, as listed in the table below are simply allocated to any willing volunteer.
- Joining a committee or simply going along to committee meetings when you have the time: The Uniform Shop, The Giralang Garden Collective, The Nude Food Team and Fundraising are all managed via a sub-committee of the P&C and they value the contributions of parents at meetings.
- Assist at an event: P&C activities provide great opportunities to meet new families and share ideas. There is much enjoyment to be had, not only in attending P&C functions but also in helping with the functions. If you think you might be interested in helping out with something, make contact with the coordinator or go to a meeting – you will NEVER be recruited for a job you don't want or pressured into doing something. The smallest contribution is still valuable.
When does the P&C meet?
The P&C meets at 7pm on a Monday at school (some meetings are held online during the winter months), 1-2 times per term to discuss a range of issues concerning the school, parents and the community. Our meetings are relaxed and casual; however we do follow an agenda and have a hearty discussion on most issues. During the meetings various reports are tabled, topics are discussed and plans made for the following months, and our Principal comes along and keeps us informed of what is happening in the school. Despite its structure and effectiveness, the P&C is not a formal rigid body; we are a friendly collection of people who have the best interests of our children at heart!
If you have something you'd like the P&C to consider and you can't make it in person, you can email it with the subject header "P&C Agenda" and a brief explanation of the issue.
Contact Us
You can email us at, or you can contact the school for any information regarding the P&C. We would love to hear from you!
We hope that you will join us in making Giralang Primary School a great school for our children.
The P&C partner with the school in several fundraising events over the year. Through these events, the P&C contribute directly back into the school to support our children's education. Most recent collaborations have contributed to our Naturescape project in the grove including the yarning circle, ongoing improvements to the Giralang Garden Collective, chrome book trolleys, new BBQ’s, trestle tables. Past collaborations have included playground enhancements, purchased climbing and gym equipment, a shade sail for the eating courtyard, educational games, new readers, bean bags for the library (that was the students' idea) and the spider web.
Fundraising activities supplement parent contributions, grant funding and community sponsorship. This work, in partnership with the school, adds value where it is needed most.
What types of fundraising activities are held?
Most fundraising events are coordinated by the P&C Fundraising Committee. We try to balance our fundraising activities to consider the school calendar, day time and night time events, social events, events with and without children, and events which are low cost to participants or which offer greater fundraising potential.
These events can include:
- Back to School Welcome BBQ
- Easter Raffle
- School Discos
- Nude Food days
- Mothers and Carers Day Stall
- Fathers and Carers Day Stall
- Trivia Night
- Spring Festival/Art Show
- School Fair
- Colour run
- Zooper Dooper days
- Mango Fundraiser (November)
- Major Raffle Fundraiser
- Election BBQ (as per cycles)
- Year 6 Graduation Disco
Whilst most of these events encompass a fundraising component, many of them are planned to foster social relationships for parents and children and to provide them with the opportunity to feel connected to their school community.
How will the funds raised be used?
The P&C work together with the school to help improve educational facilities where they are needed most. Recent fundraising efforts have focused on contributing to new chrome book trolleys, the Giralang Garden Collective and the Naturescape design between the grove and the garden to create outdoor spaces for learning beyond the classroom.
Also each year the teachers prepare a 'wish list' of items for their classrooms. This wish list is presented to the P&C who attempts to pay for as much of it as it can. The funds are also used for such things as supporting students at the school and to buy infrastructure items for the P&C to use to raise more funds e.g. BBQs, eskies etc.
Want to know more?
Many hands make light work. If you would like to be involved in fundraising or have ideas for new fundraisers please contact the P&C Committee by sending an email to
Want to volunteer through the year?
If you would like to volunteer through the year, we have an ongoing volunteer sign up list that you can join. Please click this link and choose what you would like to be part of:
Ongoing Opportunities to Help Raise Funds
Scholastic Book Club
Every month, a scholastic book club catalogue will be sent home with your child. Orders and money can be left at the front office. For each sale, the school receives vouchers to spend on great books for the library and educational resources for our children.
Buy your uniforms at our shop
The P&C makes a small profit on all uniforms sold at our uniform shop. Orders can be completed online via our shop at the following link: orders are filled each week and sent home with your child, or you can browse at the shop on Thursday from 8:30 - 9:15 am.